Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Science of Getting Rich

Hi Guys,

Have been reading some fabulous stuff in a e-course I am taking on the subject of the fabulous book -The Science of Getting Rich..Such an awesome book by the sound of it although I must admit i was previously scared away from reading it when I saw it in a friends bookshelf by the shear size of it! Looked very official and a bit of a difficult read but am pleased to say that I am engrossed in the information I am receiving in the simple and easy 12 day e-course. I will write exactly wahat i read over the past few days which has got me so excited and will hopefully strike a chord or trigger a ah-ha moment for you too.

'See the things you want as if they were aroung you all the time, see yourself as owning and usingthem.Make use of them in imagination just as you will use them when they are your tangible possessions.Dwell apon your mental picture until it is clear and distinct,and then take the Mental Attitude of ownership toward everything in that picture.Take possession of it,in mind ,in the full faith that it is actually yours.Hold to this mental ownership, do not waiver for an instant in the faith that it is real.

Be as thankful for it all the time as you expect to be when it has taken form.The man who can sincerly thank god for the things which as yet he owns only in imagination,has real faith.He will get rich ,he will cause the creation of whatsoever he wants.

This is just some of the pearls of wisdom from this facinating book I will share with you over the coming weeks.

To utalise these principles in a business check out

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